In the green heart of Umbria, among the reeds and the enchanting white water lily, lies Lake Trasimeno, a true natural paradise where wild ducks, cormorants, kites and kingfishers flock together.
As a backdrop, beyond the flat slope, are rolling hills with woods that alternate with fields of sunflowers and corn, vineyards and expanses of olive trees. Here, agriculture is widely practiced and in a traditional manner. There are several municipalities in Trasimeno: some overlook the lake directly, others are not far away but are influenced by the charm and attraction of this body of water.
Lake Trasimeno is really very large and one day is not enough to visit every single village. For this reason, you should plan an itinerary to discover little by little all the treasures of the lake. Here are some suggestions to better organize your visit:
Islands: Lake Trasimeno has two islands, Maggiore and Polvese. In one day, by sailing the lake, you could visit both. Also very popular is the “mini cruise” to see the lake from another perspective.
Eastern shore: includes all the towns to the east of the lake, such as Passignano sul Trasimeno, San Feliciano or Tuoro sul Trasimeno. It is also the shore closest to Perugia.
Western shore: here you can start from Panicale and then go up towards Castiglione del Lago. From here you can go all the way to Città della Pieve.